Sundblad Crew

Sundblad Crew

Monday, September 29, 2008

Shay's 6mo. Pics

So my mom took Shay to get her 6 month pictures taken by a gal we both love. Shay was not to excited to get all dressed up and smile for the camera. The first 9 pictures on the website are from that day. Luckily Jody said we could come back another day and reshoot. I finally got around to taking her and the pictures turned out much better. She is very hard to get a great smile out of, but did much better the second time. I listed the website below for all to check out. If you click on client login and the password is "shay". Remember the first 9 pictures are from the first photo shoot and the rest from when I took her. I think number 21 is my favorite. If only she would smile like I have captured on my wimpy camera, but in that outfit and with that cool background and that clarity!!!! You can't win every time! She is 7 1/2 months, so I guess I should be grateful that I got her 6month picture taken close to the time I should have ;)


Andrea G. said...

They are adorable! I love the polka dot dress on the red couch thing! :)

Jen said...

I love the one you like- but I also really like the second one. Some what serious on the beautiful chair. I'd love to see it in B & W. Sometimes I like the serious baby b/c it is how they really look. Great photag. I will keep her in mind for next family shots!