Sundblad Crew

Sundblad Crew

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Happy Birthday Chloe!

Today is Chloe's 6th birthday! Wow, time has flown by. It feels like yesterday Nate was changing her newborn diaper and she peed all over the changing table. I remember Nate had no clue what he was doing, luckily he has improved since then! I have included some favorite pics of Chloe that I could find.

Some of the reasons we love "lola"....

1. She is always excited to see us.
2. She loves "babysitting" Shay when we are all together.
3. She loves food! This is one great thing we have in common.
4. She has the most caring heart.
5. She loves to shop!!!!!!!!!
6. She is very inquisitive. For the first time I had to explain to someone where poop comes from ;)
7. She loves her family!
8. Conley adores her because she is always willing to play with him and treats him like her brother.
9. She is a girly-girl. We have that great thing in common. We don't care too much for exercise, we're emotional and we come with drama!
10. She is Chloe! There is no one like her and she is the greatest niece/cousin anyone could ever have!
At American Girl Place with her doll. She had the time of her life! It was just fun watching her enjoy the experience and take it all in!

Shay absolutely adores Chloe. Chloe is always able to get a smile and a laugh out of Shay!

With her two buddies! It's a good thing she is bossy, these boys need somebody telling them what do and to keep them in line, haha!

You go girl! A tractor pull in a dress!!!

1 comment:

gregandmindy3 said...

oh sara, god knew this was just what i needed to hear today. i had a terrible time with lola this morning,(one of those moments when you quesstion if you a good enough parent!!@!) this is just what i needed to here about chloe. she is such a blessing, and i cant wait to give her a big squeeze after school today. thanks so much!!!