Sundblad Crew

Sundblad Crew

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Terrible Twos

So, I have decided that I have no desire to potty train Conley even if he is ready (which I think he isn't). Every now and then however, he tests us on this potty training thing. After telling the doctor he doesn't care if his diaper is wet and that he never tells me he pooped, the kid told me that next day that he pooped and asked for his diaper to come off because it was wet. He then began to ask to use the potty. Nate and I decided to take him to Wal-Mart and let him "buy" his own potty. So now we have a potty that makes music when he goes. Needless to say we have yet to hear the music! So this now leads me to the pictures posted below. We put Conley down for a nap (he should have been exhausted, no sleep the night before due to a father/son camping trip) and I heard him break out of his room. I came around the corner to find a NAKED Conley and pee on my floor. Of course he told me "momma I peed", then took off running to escape the "mommy grab". He had taken off his diaper, broke down the gate that is SUPPOSED to keep him locked in his room, peed on my WHITE carpet, and of course thought it was funny. It is hard not to laugh at a naked, excited kid running around your hallways. To keep this blog G rated, I took the pics after I put the diaper back on ;)


Jill Pennington said...

I agree, we should start our own holiday dedicated to working mothers! This post made me smile as I can totally relate. Potty training is the worst thing in the world. In fact, I sent Abbie to my parent's house this week and told my mom to bring her back trained! I was also happy to see that you also put up a gate to keep Conley in his room. I do that as well and most of my friends think that I am cruel. Seriously though, I would get no sleep if Abbie was able to escape.

Kathy A. said...

You're kids are SO cute!

Sounds like Conley's potty training is going about as well as Eli's!
