Sundblad Crew

Sundblad Crew

Saturday, May 1, 2010


Our "mimi" (pacifier) throwing away party was tonight at Chuck E. Cheese's. OH MY WORD!!!! It has been 20+ years since my family has been there. WOW! The food was horrible and the atmosphere not much better, but Conley had a BLAST. He could have played ALL night. Of course the cheap toy he picked out broke/he broke it before we left Cedar Rapids.

We had a "first" tonight as well. Conley had to use the bathroom while we are on the interstate almost outside of Cedar Rapids, so we stopped at the Rest Area between Cedar Rapids and Iowa City. My dad commented that we had never stopped there before, so it was just an extra adventure to the evening.

We also stopped at my aunts before going to our "party" and put her fish in her backyard pond. She had brought the fish indoors last fall for the winter, so we had to go up for the "moving of the fish". The kids thought it was awesome and Conley brought up some fish food to feed them in their new home. My mom took pictures, so I will post them later. No "moving of the fish" party is complete without wine, crackers, cheese, grapes and of course goldfish snacks and juice boxes for the kids. Thanks for the great "fish party" Linda!!!!

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