Sundblad Crew

Sundblad Crew

Sunday, December 28, 2008

We're Baaaack!

It's been a crazy month and blogging has been the last thing on my mind. I know I have many faithful readers, haha, who have been dying for more posting! Your wait is coming to an end!!!! We received a laptop for Christmas, got our wireless internet working at our house, and now I can blog from the comfort of my living room couch, yeah!

Just to update....
Christmas was crazy! Our month started with my grandma turning 90 and everyone came home so we could throw her a party. I worked two weekends and between Shay Christmas and all our other family Christmas and gatherings we have barely been home. This week we have Tom, Mary, and my dad's birthdays!!! I do have a day off this week in addition to New Year's Day. On my day off I'm taking my kids to daycare and I'm coming home to clean and organize my house and closets! For those who don't know me well, this is my dream. A day off to clean and organize my house. I thrive when I have cleanliness and organization in my home. I become stressed when my house is out of control. I will soon post photos of our crazy life over the last month.

We hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and relaxing New Year.

The Sundblads

1 comment:

Andrea G. said...

Personally, I would like pictures of the organized house :)